Comments (66)
how can i close the game?
Hi i made a gaming montage and your game was in it :D
Hope you enjoy.
I finally played the best mode of playing as Woody & Rex with incredible animation sprites. It's so hard to defeat the Nightmare Buzz.Exe. Can you give me an idea of how to defeat this son of a bitch? Watching my whole video, and find out.
hope that villain mode is going good also could you accept my friends request :)
woody twisting his neck? Another good .EXE game? It looks good
TOYSTORY2.EXE: 60fps/Widescreen
TOYSTORY2.EXE - Complete
Game Soundtrack
Woody's Back!
TOYSTORY2.EXE is a direct sequel to TOYSTORY.EXE. It takes place about a day or two from the first game's good ending. Check out the GameSalmon's video on TOYSTORY.EXE to see the good ending for that game.
The Vessel - (The image on the title screen) -Pixar, Oldum77 for editing
Buzz Torture Room picture - Oldum77's sister (Buzz model posed by Oldum77)
Cursed Room Music: Aqua Marina Dark Depths Reversed - Composed by Oldum77
Happy Days Music: Toy Story Genesis - Composed by Randy Newman, remixed for the Sega Genesis by Patrick J. Collins, Andy Blythe, Marten Joustra, Allister Brimble, and Philip Morris
Wooden Neck: Conker's Bad Fur Day prototype - Composed by Robin Beanland
Rex Fight: Zelda Twilight Princess Final Boss - Composed by Koji Kondo, edited by Oldum77
Hurry!: TOYSTORY2.EXE - Composed by Oldum77
Woody's Back!: Oldum77 Theme Reversed - Composed by Oldum77
Final Boss & Good Ending: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Gekko Theme and Old Snake Theme Respectively - Composed by Harry Gregson-Williams
Game Over Picture: Oldum77's sister (Oldum77 for the Woody model pose, and Pixar for the images of Rocky and Hamm)
Worst Ending Picture: Oldum77 for both editing and modelling
Villain Final Boss Theme: Composed by Oldum77
Worst Ending Theme: Hurry! Reversed - Composed by Oldum77
Jason64 & MrDoradoFett: The villain mode final boss ideas
MrDoradoFett: Assisting with Villain Mode
Anyone else I forgot can give me a message, and I'll fix it up!
Intense Cartoon Violence
Blood and Gore