
The Play Button Puzzle
After almost one month because i'm dumb The Play Button Puzzle is on GameJolt, yay.
The Play Button Puzzle is a small game I made to test My Flash programming and Game Making Knowledge!
It's a game in the style of a 2000's flash game where you have to find the Play Button, and, if there is more than one, The RIGHT Play Button! The game has some levels that may be seen as rage enducing (i.e. The last one), but I tried to make it as fair and as fun as possible!
By The Way, if you're going to leave a low score, please give constructive criticism and feedback so I can improve on how I can make my future Projects! Insulting people just because they're new and not very good at something yet is never a good thing, so be nice and don't try to come off as toxic, Thank you for Understanding! #pointnclick #puzzle #arcade #retro #other
If you want to play this on your browser, Either go to the Newgrounds Page https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/922346 or install the Ruffle Extension 'cause GJ Doesn't have it on by default for whatever reason https://ruffle.rs/downloads.
If you are so much a Psychopath you can use the original Flash Player By getting Pale Moon https://www.palemoon.org/ with CleanFlash https://gitlab.com/cleanflash/installer , why would you do this with a game that works perfectly fine with Ruffle? No idea.