
Comments (43)

What do you think?

uma vez perguntei a um sábio, a perfeição existe? ele respondeu que sim e me mostrou este jogo

jogo top!!!!

this game has a potential you really shouldn't give up updating this game me and my friend had a lot of fun from this game the soccer game mode was cool if you ever update this game again make the trucks lose control less often

dude, your game is super cool!
please keep updating

Tractor to the Infinite... a Multiplayer game that involves players driving (or attempting to drive) brightly-colored tractor-like vehicles around their choice of an outdoor scene or a soccer arena.

The Basics

  • Thing | DoesWhat

  • W | Go Frontwards

  • A | Leftwards

  • S | Back it up now ya'll

  • D | Rightwards

  • Space | Activate brake, and jet engines with the flying tractor

  • Enter | Get Out of a Jam, flip upright

  • ESC | Pause menu

So, Outdoors

Parkour ramps. Can you get to the top?
Boosts - Go very very fast.
Flight mode - Get there through the Pause menu - Zip around on your flying tractor.
And other misc. things I felt like throwing in there.

So, Soccer Mode

AI - Can you defeat them? Up to 20 per team, all named Donald.
Red VS. Blue, of course.

What makes this awesome?

The straight up ridiculousness of the Vehicles. If you can go fast for more than 30 seconds without tumbling, then you're pretty good. Flight mode is no easier. The ridiculousness reaches a peak in Soccer mode with 20 AI - I've had to add invisible walls to keep stuff in the arena.

Change Log

  • The AI's are no longer cowards - They now turn around and go for the ball no matter what direction things are going in. They still can't differentiate goals though, which is amusing.

  • The Soccer map is better - The Goals have been moved backwards, so stuff doesn't get stuck on the sides. Also, some invisible walls to keep players from falling into the void.

  • There's a loop in the outdoors - It's easy to get around, but can you go around on the edge? Or fly through it with the flying Tractor?

  • That's right, a flying tractor. Hit ESC and choose the "Vehicles" option. Flight physics are just as difficult as the grounded controls.

  • Also in the pause menu, You can now change the color of your tractor. Jet black is my favorite. This game has been a helluvalotta fun to create, and I sincerely hope you guys enjoy playing it. It started as just a combined expiroment of Vehicles and Multiplayer, but look at it now. 14 thousand plays, That's not bad.

Thank you all very much, may your tractors ever be tumbling,


A Bug!

My God, What have I created?

The Problem and the Solution

RELEASE - The Build has Landed!

The Build is Coming

The progress so far - In Depth

Still Alive

Ever so slowly...

Update delayed D:

A calm sunday