noun: tramp; plural noun: tramps
A long walk, possibly of more than one day, in a scenic or wilderness area.
“We tramped through the woods for hours before we found the main path again”
synonyms: trek, trudge, slog, hike, march, walk, constitutional, ramble, roam, wander;
TRAMP is a sort of first person wander/walking simulator/art game created by Laura Martorana, Leandro Estrella and Adrián Martínez Puente.
TRAMP is an unknown space, apparently empty, in which objects and sardines can be discovered;
TRAMP is an audiovisual experience that reflects the creative process and experimentation carried out during the study of the software along with its aesthetic potential;
TRAMP benefits from errors that corrupt the system, adding false glitches, to bring the player’s ride to the limit.
TRAMP is a First person wander/walking simulator
TRAMP is an Art game
TRAMP is a Puzzle
TRAMP does not have a clear objective, it only tries to stimulate the curiosity of the player...
W A S D or arrow keys to move
C to crouch
SPACE to jump
MOUSE to look around