Comments (3)
I played your game and it kind of remind me of a classic NES game called Kid Niki: Radical Ninja. However, there are a few suggestions to need of attention. First, add a squat down to the character to whenever you crouch the camera will follow to which you're able to see downward without taking a leap of faith when going down. Next, for PC controller, change the attack button to "Space Bar" and throw to "X" for better muscle memory. The last suggestion is adding a pause button. I hope these suggestions would help improve your game.
''Traverse'' is the first project of DelveGames and basically, it's a simple cool 2D platformer game, developed using Godot game engine. It's an adventurous game with lots of pleasant actions and astonishing factors...
Game Mission:
Collect atleast 25 diamonds and a key to complete a particular level.
Game Controls:
JUMP - UP Arrow key / W
MOVE LEFT - LEFT Arrow key / A
MOVE RIGHT - RIGHT Arrow key / D
ATTACK - LEFT Mouse button / Num. Keypad '1' / Q
THROW - RIGHT Mouse button / Num. Keypad '0' / E