Comments (48)

No video for max mode this time...
30/20 modern mode no elimination coin, this game is so peak!!
ok ignoring my other comment, this game is AMAZING i love it its fun, and difficult at the same
Man doing pwf with 31% power at the end is fun! This game is the most fun to try and do power saving runs. Gonna get to bwm power save runs soon. Miles must die doesn't have a leaderboard so rip.

Beat Playing with Fire with 10.2% power remaining!
Didn't expect to beat it this fast, with me only taking 10 minutes of attempts! I got 2:09.3 with my power being over 6% behind pace, and then fluked it next attempt beating it with over 10% remaining.
Fun max mode.
Travis' Custom Night | Remade [UPDATE 1.1]
If you have trouble downloading the game for some reason, try this maybe?

Five years ago, Five Nights at Travis' Custom Night released... despite, y'know, there not being a Five Nights at Travis' in the first place. Being made by a teenager that just learned how to make games, its quality is questionable, to say the least. So why not put all the knowledge and skills I've learned into use with a full remake of said game?
Travis' Custom Night | Remade is a game that will probably blow all of its predecessors out of the water in terms of quality. It is both a very faithful remake, and one that improves upon the original's questionable design choices.

Modern Mode is the main attraction here. Every single AI is an improvement over the original in many ways, such as difficulty relating to AI settings more (no more random 2 second reaction time Mitty jumpscares...) and AI itself behaving somewhat randomly instead of being perfect every single time, making the game feel much less robotic.

If fair gameplay and fun isn't what you're after, though, there is Legacy Mode too. All characters try to replicate their original AI to the best of their abilities. Depending on who the character is, this ranges from nearly identical (Travis, Lucas, Floyd...) to not really doing much in favor of better AI (Phantom Floyd, Toy Floyd...).

By logging in with a Gamejolt account, you gain access to Leaderboards and Achievements. There are tons of achievements, and four subcategories for leaderboards based on what you are playing (Modern Mode or Legay Mode, Elimination Coin or no Elimination Coin).

Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans