
Spikes Are Nasty
"Ruby, watch out for those!"

Keep Trying
"We can get through this!"

Nice Teamwork!
Visit 10 Rooms

Got it!
This one is easy.

A tasty bug
Majesty loves bugs.

Dodge that arrow Ruby!

Like a bat
Trust in Majesty's speed.

Timing timing timing
It's all in the timing.

Unpleasant surprise
Watch out for that crossbow.

Inside the box
Nice pushing!

Go with the flow

Lots of steps
This one has lots of steps.

Helping hand
Teamwork is essential!

Hot stuff
If you can't stand the heat don't get burned.

The answer is always teamwork
Onward Treasure Team!

It's not really wind but it's pretty close.

Everything is ok except for the fire
This is fine.

Now that's what I call teamwork
Volume 12!

Tight spot
Get in there!

So many things! THINGS!

Back and forth
Onward and so forth.

Everyone gets a turn
Sometimes being a team means doing the same thing.

Smooth moves

All the way around
Round and round and round and round

Squeeze in there
Squeeze in there Majesty!

Double back
Sometimes to forward you need to go back. This IS one of those times.

Get in there
You can do it.

Resist the urge
Don't push it yet!

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

It works this way too
It does work this way!

Get it?

High five!
You got through! Nice job.

Great Teamwork!
Visit 20 Rooms

Smash Em Good
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Lengthy detour
A little extra time but definitely worth it.

Order of operations
There are a lot of buttons and the order you press them is very important.

That creature can sense your presence.

One neat little trick
You aren't going to believe this one.

Faster faster faster
Keep trying.

Episode 1 Complete
Finish Episode 1

This one is difficult
Coordination and timing are key!

Thread the needle
Learning where to stay still is the only way to get this one.

Don't hesitate
The pattern is simple but getting the timing is not.

Push and go
Get really good at the first part because the second part is rough.

Tricky Teleporting
Go fast at the beginning then take it slow.

Only for the truly persistent
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