Comments (762)

Another happy Trtf fan!
The ending is just plain awful, I was really interested in the Anakin/Padme relationship, but then stupid Sandman appeared out of nowhere and fucked everything up, fucking sand, I hate it! Overall -1/1*3, reported it!
Holy crap it's out?! I wasn't expecting this at all. Nice work and happy holidays!
Seeing the "birthday_boy.mp4" face again creeped the hell outta me. Great job with the game!
Another TRTF1 Remake: Overdone! [A1R]
The definitive build of 'A1R', with many tweaks and redesigns. Recommended for first-time players.
The Return to Freddy's: Rebooted [1R]
The original 2019 build of 'A1R', simply known as '1R' at the time. Up for preservational purposes.
Game Soundtrack

NOTE: This is not an official remake of The Return to Freddy's nor a legitimate Five Nights at Freddy's installment; simply an unofficial re-imagining of a 2014 fan-game.

You, a grown-up orphan, have spent years stuck in a rut. However, everything changes when you notice something in the daily newspaper: the last shot is being made at reviving a failed kid-friendly restaurant, Freddy Fazbear's. With faint memories of your father's relationship with Fazbear's years ago, you decide to apply. However, you still fail to understand why did you choose to get a job only after seeing the word "Freddy's". Will you remember why?

Another TRTF1 Remake: Overdone! features remixed elements of FNAF1 and 2, refitted to work with the game's flow; make it until 6 AM with a suffocating animatronic mask, dysfunctional building power, and only one working door:
If you see someone standing right in front of you, throw on that mascot mask in your office, but not for too long!
Someone in the only functional door light by your Office? Close the door, fair and simple.
Anybody twitchy can be fended off with a simple flashlight beam to the eyes.
Of course, when would you have to do any of this? Nothing's gonna be coming after you, those things can't move at night. You might just be imagining everything!

Directing: @blackboy74
Programming: DarkMoon55 & Senhor
Rendering: @MaximumElevapor
& @Scrappyboi
Character Design: @Breim
, @Scrappyboi
& @MrRandomGuyzer
Environmental Design: Senhor, BasicallyHats & @SirMemphisto_Heisenmorg
Animation: @winsomeless
& @TheShadowFreddy
Soundtrack: @XanthicZet
& ScouT2Illustrates
Voice Acting: @winsomeless
& DarkMoon55
Spritework: @blackboy74
Special thanks to @DragonLion , @G0ATFAC3, @ToonsterGames95
, @Nomok
, Sallo666 & @MartinArthur
for feedback, testing, and additional assets!
#fnaf #trtf #fangame #horror #pointnclick #nogames #other
#fnaf #trtf #fnaffangames #luckbased #lockjaw #trtf #freddyfazbear #funni #overdone #fivenightsatfreddys #remastered #thereturntofreddy #trtf1 #fivenightsatfreddys #thereturntofreddy #update #completed
Realistic Bloodshed
Suggestive Themes
Crass Humor