
Comments (4)

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PMTTYD64HD Update v3.8.5 Out Now!

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What's the sex about?????????????

i tried playing it but it just shows a dark green screen can someone tell me what to do? do i need a different computer i have a lenovo computer

TTYD64 is a PM64 romhack that adds TTYD's gameplay, items, badges, and recipes into PM64, plus a bunch of new areas into the game.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Sexual Violence

Paper Mario TTYD Texure Pack Update Release Trailer Our HD

HD Update Comming Out Soon...

v3.8.5 Out Now

Paper Mario: TTYD64K v3.8.5 Update Official Release Progress...

Paper Mario: TTYD64K v3.8.0 Update

Here is the new version that includes a lot of fixes, and also european font fixes. It also includes the changelog so you can read what's fixed.