
Comments (25)

What do you think?

looks like im not late


hai ! decided to check the game out as i usually do n its pretty alright! pretty dang cool in som areas even lOl i think it might need som balance tho? im not sure

i did see numerous smoll issues- most notably the cam's lines can freeze if you spam the cams too quickly lmao
(doin a quick collage cuz gamejol sucks-)


TW also has several issues n the game is fairly slow, so have a list of som details i wrote while i was playin lmao


i also feel like the new lamp should be much darker n dry-orange-ish to fit the room better, sorta like this


also!- check out fspy ! it will def help the new renders blend with the rooms better, but besides allathat hope to see more from you !


when its gonna release?

This project based on original release? (Before Revamped)


Five Nights At TubbyLand: RECODED

Version: 1.1.08 months ago

Five Nights at Tubbyland is an FNAF-based game that focuses on Teletubbies and also resulted to have sequels, - (2 - 3 - TLR) and some remakes (Act 1 - Act 2)

Game Description

You are a night guard in TubbyLand Entertainment, it's your job to keep tubbybots away from toasting you in a toaster and getting eaten alive by Noo-Noo. Use defense systems to keep yourself safe.


Well, there is a lot of bugs in the game, like (sound not playing, coding glitches, and slow performaces)

There's also a recode of Five Nights at TubbyLand 2 and as well Five Nights at Dipsy's, second reason.


ABSOLUTELY NOT! Throwback Trilogy is a better option. So, yeah.


Original Game - @Critolious

Throwback Trilogy - @jeb_yoshi

V2 of FNATL - @TheresNoSteak

Recode of FNATL 2 - @Dermot

Recode of FNAD - @unknownter

Programmer/Sound Editor/Asset Editor - @IcyColdGameJolt

Reused assets and models - @Critolious

Teletubbies - Ragdoll Productions

#fnaf #fangame #tubbyland

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

1.1.0; released
- Fixed camera bugs
- Usage Bar is fixed
- Tinky AI is a bit more aggressive
- Light in Night X is fixed
- Game is kinda faster
- Some other bugs that didn't mention is fixed.

Thanks to @Piggie2023 for pointing some out!

Five Nights at TubbyLand Recode is Released!

The work is pretty much done, now time for testing.

The recode is back to being made, DO NOT WORRY