Comments (9)
Love it! Just scored the current #1 best. XD I wish one didn't have to log in every time, otherwise I'd jump on for a round a lot more often. Love the graphics!
Neat game, though it looks a lot like the other game you uploaded, just retitled... I included it in part 38 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) http://youtu.be/uz04TuBA8EA

Impressive visual style! The game is fun and challenging to spin around and hit everything coming at you. Good stuff.
Check out my game if you have a chance
Really good game!, a lot of fun. Nice colors and very simple to play. Good job.
What do you think about our game?. http://goo.gl/Do2lPh
My eyes witnessed a majestic journey, included it in my video:
Gameplay : Indie VS Gamers!

Turntable Octagon
Experience the hardships of life as an octagon.
Defend yourself against oppressive projectiles and miscellaneous debris.
Build yourself up by beinging yourself to the brink of death: "What does not kill me makes me stronger"
Behold the triumph of surviving under all of the duress you face.