
TUUUBES!: The Tubular Construction Game
Everybody loves tubes. Why, you ask? Tubes explain themselves. Tubes are the most tubular tubacious tubulons in the universe! For those who don't know, Space Pirates love tuuubes. And who loves tubes more than Tubey, the Space Pirate's engineer? Tubey oversees all of the work done on Pirate bases, and as him, you get to cram your bases full of all the tuuuubes you can!
Tubey's job as a tube engineer is to put as many tubes as possible in the limited space you're given. Chain the tubes end-to-end to make your own tubular creation. Your goal is to let the Hunter into your base. Why, you ask? Who cares! TUUUUUUUUUUBES!
I made this game in one week to break the gamedev rut I'm stuck in. This idea has been floating around in my head for a while now, and I'm pretty happy that I finally got to implement it. Enjoy!