Comments (4)
"Don't download this."
Me: Too bad I'm downloading the .sb3 file anyways.
(Just kidding, I won't. Also I'm chinaRules10 but for some dumb reason my display name resets.)
bruh why is this here
PunMaster's Ultra Invasion
Don't download this. Just go here: https://turbowarp.org/376537681/fullscreen
Welcome to the Ultimate Invasion, where EVERYONE from PunMaster's games appear and try to end your run! With a constantly updating roster, there's a nearly endless amount of possibilities!
Play the game here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/376537681/
Join the Discord Server (You must have a verified email): https://discord.gg/3ZXH9DM
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Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans
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