
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Surprisingly was the first follower.

wow not bad

After killing everyone Chara greeted Frisk, and offered her to destroyed the world. But Frisk refused. In her anger Chara attacked Frisk. Due to the fact, of what has she done, Frisk started to lose her DETERMINATION, and started weakening. In a last effort to save everyone, before Chara become too strong she reseted the world. But something went wrong.
Some of the residents of the underground remember some things before the reset. A flash, a sound, an image, or a death. Some others remember all of it, even their death. And in this strange, new world someone has returned to finish what they have started...

Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Mild Language

From last week

Quick report: No, I didn’t finish it, but I’m still working on it. Had to deal with a *lot* of personal stuff last week. If I finish it this week, then I’ll post about it, if not, then see you on next week!

The map: Part 5

The map: Part 4

The map: Part 3

The map: Part 2

The map


Passed the checkpoint

Almost back
