
Comments (7)

What do you think?

1.1k views and 205 plays thanks everyone who viewed or played the game

Can you make this game Chinese as well please 可以此游戏的中国吗

out now

as you play as sans you go and try to save frisk as you go to save frisk you find clones of your self to help you on your adventure some are bad some are good


sorry about alternant ending/別の結末については申し訳ありません/抱歉交替结束

very close to finishing the game soon/ 非常接近完成比賽很快 /まもなくゲームを終了するのに非常に近い

close to being finished but found an error/終了に近いが、エラーが見つかりました / 接近完成但發現錯誤

taking more time than i thought /思ったよりも時間がかかりました /需要比我想象的更多的时间

back to work on game/回到工作的游戏/ゲームに戻るために戻る