
Comments (7)

What do you think?

1.1k views and 205 plays thanks everyone who viewed or played the game

Can you make this game Chinese as well please 可以此游戏的中国吗

out now

as you play as sans you go and try to save frisk as you go to save frisk you find clones of your self to help you on your adventure some are bad some are good


now out

finaly close to the end of finishing the game

i have been working on other things other than this game

i still am working on it but this game but took a little brake from it to work on other things and try to get the new switch system

still working on it

it getting harder to work on it with school and work and with the snow outside I have to shovel too so I’m still working on it :/
but It will be out soon not telling you a date

two new themes check them out

check out the new themes i made one i made my self

still creating the game its almost done i hope

im working so hard on this game is should be almost done but cant make any promises to anyone

sorry to keep you all waiting but i am trying to make this the best game ever

game not close to being done yet

created first secret

still working on it

stuck on a part on building game

cant think of the music for a part in the game it will come to me when i think of it.

the build is taking longer then i thought it would :)
but im still making it i love this game and you will when its finished