Comments (2)
I have no idea how to encounter anything but a froggit.
(Outdated Version) Build 0.4.0 (WIP)
WIP 0.4.0 NOTE: ONCE THIS VERSION IS LAUNCHED, IT WILL BE GLITCHY AND SOME SOUNDS WON'T PLAY FOR A FEW SECONDS. AFTER THAT, IT WOULD BE FINE. New Overworld! Monsters Attacks! You can Spare. Works with: Windows 32, 64 Mac 32, 64 Linux 32, 64
Build 0.4.3 (WIP)
0.4.3 Adds what I promised would be brought to 0.4.0, but didn't
Your Own Health,
A Extra Loading Screen (Because I realized that fonts were not loading properly),
Game Over Screen, etc.
Updated to 0.4.3 on August 28, 2016
I don't own Undertale, Toby Fox owns Undertale.
This is just a fan game.
Also, it is a WIP.
Trust me.
Post any Opinions, Suggestions, ANYTHING in the comments. (I LOVE FEEDBACK)
This game works with Windows 32bit & 64bit, Mac OS X 32bit & 64bit, Linux 32bit & 64 bit
Update Info:
Your HP,
Game Over Screen,
Monster Idle Animations,
other stuff and bug fixes
(VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: In the new update, once you start the program, it gets kind of glitchy. Just enter a battle, kill a froggit, then everything will run smoothly!)
Monsters can attack (You don't have HP, though)
Fixed lots of bugs with the battling system
Most sound effects are in here
Random Encounters!
Mercying! -(Who cares?)-
Enemies: Froggit & Asgore
Music: Enemy Approching! & Enemy Approaching! Hard Mode
Works with:
Windows 32, 64
Mac 32, 64
Linux 32, 64
Planned: Overworld Stuff, and ... well ... stuff
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence