
Comments (1,736)

What do you think?

waiting . . . for it . . .

1 Step: wear frisk shirt and pants.
2 Step: find Mt Ebott. (its snow or grass)
3 Step: Jump in to fall.

17 Step: go fuck kill everyone and work chara together

Im wing gender the royal pronoun!

This game is horribly made. Bugs everywhere. Coloring is bad, and sprites have resampling for resizing. A 5 year old could make this.

Custom Battles!

This project started out as me testing Undertale battle mechanics. Fortunately, I decided to make an Arcade style tournament Undertale Battle Mode!

Basically, this is where you make your way up the list of enemies through Arcade mode, Duration mode, or Custom mode! Gain as much points as you can to receive a high score!

This game consists of many fan-made characters and ideas from many Undertale fans. I could go on saying that, "Undertale is not ours...this is not official" and stiff like that. Instead, I am gonna tell you how it works.
-Permission from Toby to use characters for non-profit projects.
-Credits will consist of all creators of content used.
-Most creators have been asked for permission.

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Final Update is Out + More shameless advertising.


One Final Update


Journey Through Asphodel - PAGE IS UP!

U:BM Version 1.1.2

Next U:BM Update