
Comments (93)

What do you think?

This game is no doubt abandoned. It's rather sad- I was looking forward to seeing this interesting character grow on her journey.

Maybe you have something I can help with? Do not worry I have time to spend it to other games :)

May this fangame rest in peace.

I have seen so many of these "Ideas" and while I really hope for them to flourish they most of the time won't.

Also if you want to just have a stroll through Undertale Fangames:

please continue i love patience

Peace is an Undertale Fan-made game featuring the story of the light blue soul of Patience. Not giving too much away, but In the game you will go round finding out what had happened leading up too and the decisions made after Chara's death. You will be meeting characters and finding more out about their own lives, the surface, learning of how the great war effected innocent monster civilians. and even helping them out. It is really just trying to put a human in someone else's shoes and seeing it from their point of view, but it is exciting!
That is probably the vaguest description possible but we don't want to give anything exciting away.

---- FAQ's ----
(( Sort of... We haven't actually been asked any yet... ))

Q: When is the release date for the game?
A: We don't have one yet seeing as right now the game is in early stages. We need to remake sprites and we will be developing new characters, because of copyright, yet we also want to add some originality to the game. I realise that some people will run for the hills at the slightest thought of OC's but they will still be closely linked with the original characters of the game. For example we might include Grillby's father (this is a plan at the time of writing).

Q: Will we have to buy the game or will it be free to play?
A: The game will be completely free to download and play because of both copyright reasons and the fact we are doing this project for fun and to develop our learning, skills and maybe get our names out there...

Q: Will character '____' be in the game?
A: Yes we are trying to feature all major characters in the game, this goes from 'mad dummy' right up to 'Sans the Skeleton' but in what way and how they will look will probably be different but it is a way to get to know them again and develop their backgrounds. Yes this sounds terrifying but please try to trust us, we have done more than enough research and we know what we're doing.

Q: Fan made games are terrible and feature bad plots. Tell us about yours?
A: We haven't written up our own plot from scratch but allowed ourselves to take note and be heavily inspired by a lot of fan-made work and theories that a panel of us we agree with.

Q: Can I help out?
A: Yes please!! Right now we are open to help especially when it comes to an artistic side of things, because we are still struggling on the images to be featured in the title sequence. We are working in a chronological order so if you are open to that then drop us a comment of what you can help out with and we will give you a message!

Q: You haven't updated in a while...? Why are you not developing?
A: We are always developing upon the game, every day, but sometimes there isn't much to actually update on or we're withholding the information because it will leak spoilers.

---- Planned Features ----

  • Dog shenanigans!!

  • New sprites

  • New soundtrack

  • Gaster (backstory)

  • New locations and hidden areas (we want players to explore as much as possible)

*All artists who have inspired us over tumblr and other sites will be informed and included in the credits. So anyone who might be concerned we have stolen ideas from maybe a popular comic, we are a step ahead and have found permission.

Developer, Programmer and Spriter - SwapSans
Writer and Concept artist - Minlex
Spriter - ShinyEmerald
Composer - XALIA
Character Design - Zarla-S
Character Design - SmudgeandFrank
Moral Support - C00perBlack



Mild Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Drug Use
Comical Shenanigans

Progress, progress, progress....

More TLC

(EGX) Eurogamer Expo

Welfare takes priority.

Tumblr Artists