Comments (346)
Молодцы. 5+
So I just started playing this game; really loving it so far, and very happy that Ep2 was released recently so I can play that once I am done w/ Ep1.
However, I must admit, I have been a bit stuck on trying to capture the annoying dog (it is a minigame outside of Grillby's you can do by clicking on the/a bone). Like, I have only been able to get up to 3 in catching them. I am not always the best at these kind of minigames, so I am just doing other stuff currently. Still, does anyone have any tips here on what I can do, or at least the amount of times I have to catch the dog before I win (Annoying Dog moves so quickly and I run out of bones so quickly, man)? I feel like the 4th one is probably the last one I need (which, if it is, I have been so close so many times) , but I am not sure.
Anyways, besides that, I have been really enjoying this so far. Like, the beginning stuff in that house (wherever you were, it was a very interesting place; I am still curious what was in that suitcase. Like, if we didn't even want to know what was it? That makes me even more curious to know what was in it), with a deranged, mad Tori was so tense; wonder what is wrong with her.
And Sans looks so peaceful sleeping (Slacking on the job, Paps would be so disappointed in you, Sans!), I like how you have drawn him. I keep trying to do stuff with him (like his jacket, and the ketchup; hot sauce flavored), but so far, no luck, I bet there will be something I can do that can rise him from his slumber the more I progress though.
Edit: Lol, I realized I just needed to get closer to him to put on his jacket and talk to him and stuff. It was a bit hard to tell that I could do that; at least in that part. Really cool talking to Sans, and getting a closer look at him; I love how you draw him even more; esp. his expressions, they are great. I am also liking how you are portraying him so far a lot. Very him. End of this edit.
Another Edit: I haven't seen Paps yet, but I have heard him through the door, and I like how you are characterizing him too so far. I have already mentioned Tori before, but her characterization is...interesting. Sans said it has been years since the human went through taking the human souls (and killing at least Undyne told by a picture in a book in the Librarby and Asgore. So this takes place post a Neutral route) with them, and it appears Tori's mind has really deteriorated since then. Poor Tori. Poor Undyne and Asgore too; who have been killed. End of this new edit.
And Grillby's has been great. I loved talked with everyone there (esp. Grillby), and the jukebox stuff (I helped a monster change things up by playing some music), playing Dominoes with the dogs was fun, and I liked helping Drunk Bunny distract Grillby by breaking that same jukebox. "Helper", who I got from there by winning at dominoes has also been, ummm, helpful, and fun. Overall; just one of my favorite places so far (one of my favorites in canon too).
Anyway, loving this far, I like how you can get achievements w/ this game; I have already got a few; they are fun to get. K, time to get through more of the game now. Good luck w/ developing Ep3; I look forward to playing it when it comes out (and will of course wait for that).
Edit: Ok, so I now I realize that the annoying dog minigame probably gives you the key to the Skelebros house since Paps told me the annoying give me a key to the house. So I am needing to get this key more and more now. So I went back to try the minigame again, and caught annoying dog 4 times this time, and still didn't win the minigame. So I was wrong about 4 possibly being the winning number.
So I also just realized I probably need to catch the annoying 10 times; i.e. give them a bone 10 times, and god, I think I have only made it up to 5 or 6 at most so far. So yeah, like I have said before already, if anyone has any good tips on this minigame (and how I can I beat it); that would be awesome.
Another Edit: So I am still stuck trying to get the key from the annoying dog, and it looks like I can't really move on in the game w/o getting it and I have basically done everything else besides getting it/the key. It looks like I have failed enough in trying to get it, that "Helper" is saying basically "Too tiresome to catch them, but you can already get the key...", but I don't see how I can? So I don't know what they are talking about there.
Haha, wish this minigame was easier, or/& that was I better at these types of (mini)games.
Edit (hopefully my last 1; this is already too long):
Ok, so I finally caught the annoying dog. Yayyy! I was finally able to move on in the game. I hope in future updates; there is a way to skip that minigame or something like that, esp. since I would love to do replays of this game, but I don't really see me wanting to do that minigame again. Besides that though; I adore this game. Excited to get through more of it & for Ep3 (when you can though). ^_^
Please continue this game, it's fricking AWESOME, i need to see what happens next qwq
это же просто лучшее и всего, что было создано фанатами по андертейлу
вы просто проверьте какие-нибудь фанарты-игры-комиксы и
и сравните их с ЭТИМ
самая лучшая рисовка персонажей, которую когда-либо видел, фоны (господи, водопадье как отдельный мир), диалоги, текст каноничны (нет отсебятины и несостыковок, как во многих играх)
блин, пожалуйста, не забрасывайте проект
игра может стать одной из тех, в которые "убегают пожить"
она некоторых спасёт
если нужно, я вам душу продам
Undertale: Quest - Episode 1-2 (RU/EN)
Game Soundtrack
Skeledromance - Main theme
- 1.Skeledromance - Main theme
- 2.Skeledromance - Doge
- 3.Skeledromance - Sniffing flowey
- 4.Skeledromance - Sans theme (cover)
- 5.Skeledromance - Sans theme2 (cover)
- 6.Skeledromance - I'm going to cry
- 7.Skeledromance - Snowballs in coffee (demo)
- 8.Skeledromance - Dogs playing poker
- 9.Skeledromance - Nyeh Heh Heh!
- 10.Skeledromance - Sad waterfall
- 11.Skeledromance - Scary island
- 12.Skeledromance - Your best dude
Прошло несколько лет с момента падения последнего человека в подземный мир.
После победы над Омега Флауи, человек покинул подземелье навсегда.
Монстры подземелья потеряли надежду выбраться на поверхность.
Вам отводится роль следующего упавшего в Подземный мир человека, от которого будет зависеть дальнейшая судьба его обитателей.
Помогайте монстрам и решайте головоломки в новой фанатской игре Undertale: Quest.
Оригинальную игру сделал Тоби Фокс http://store.steampowered.com/app/391540
Геймплей, основанный на поиске предметов
Игра от первого лица
Знакомые по оригинальной игре локации и персонажи
Мини-игры и головоломки
Поддержи игру:
R935332490227 (WMR)
Z438359598090 (WMZ)
Laena - программист
Taneysha - художник https://vk.com/tanartdraw
Skeledromance - музыка
Здесь вы можете посмотреть нашу первую игру http://gamejolt.com/games/othertale-lt-undertale-fangame-ru-en/170373
Several years passed since last human fall in underground world.
After defeating the Omega Flowey human left the dungeon forever.
Monsters lost hope to get to the surface.
You play role of the next fallen in Dungeon human, which will determine the fate of all Underground creatures.
Help monsters and solve puzzles in the new fan game Undertale: Quest.
The original game made by TobyFox http://store.steampowered.com/app/391540
Gameplay based on finding items
First-person game
Familiar characters and locations from the original game
Minigames and puzzles
R935332490227 (WMR)
Z438359598090 (WMZ)
A Game by:
Laena - Programmer
Taneysha - Artist https://vk.com/tanartdraw
Skeledromance - Music
Our first game http://gamejolt.com/games/othertale-lt-undertale-fangame-ru-en/170373
Mild Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans