
Comments (430)

What do you think?

i immediately followed this as soon as i saw a single image of it
already can't wait for the full release even if i haven't seen the demo yet

amazing job

I'm not even that much of an undertale fan anymore but...


I love the music (music syncing is peak), I love the sprites, I love the cutscenes, I love the menu, I love the GUI, I love the lore. Everything about this fangame is just 👌 perfect; boutta make us try extra hard with DTGE lol.

Also nice to see more takes on artificial souls, wonder if that got inspired by anything? 👀 Lmao jk

Anyways really really good demo! Looking forward to seeing what this amazing project brings next!

i rarely comment on fan games

but this?

this is the level that many people should strive for, if only they aspired and did not find excuses like "I do what I like even if it's cringe" then there would be many more such masterpieces

Good job, you got respect and gameplay from me

The graphics are phenominal. Let me just get that out of the way: the aesthetic works well and the game looks beautiful. The concept and idea are quite interesting and intriguing, a strong way to hook a player in.

But it doesn't play beautifully. The Papyrus fight is poorly made. This is not a fight to the death; this is simply a spar, a test of the protagonist's skill before they move ahead. So why does he outright kill the protagonist if they reach 0 HP, something he never does even in the ostensibly real fight with him in Undertale? Why does his first attack here last longer than Sans' in the murder run? Why does the screen get obstructed by zoom-ins, flashes, etc that make it impossible to tell what's going on? It isn't just hard, it actively obstructs your ability to play it. And it really SHOULDN'T be hard in the first place.

This bossfight seems balanced around the player dying over and over and having to try again, just like the murder run bossfights in Undertale. But it makes absolutely zero sense for it to be this way; even the protagonist being killed at all goes against the entire point of Papyrus battling them here. The first attack being incredibly unlikely to even survive without prior knowledge of it makes no sense when this isn't *meant* to be something the protagonist would have to retry repeatedly.

Also, there's the whole 'lack of player choice' thing, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're taking the approach of most murder run fangames and it's intentional. I will just say that I would probably tolerate the Papyrus fight a lot more if I was able to enter it at a higher LV and leave it at that.

Also, there's a bug where if you exit to the menu using X from the pause screen, all future presses of X, even outside of that screen, bring you back to the menu. Which was frustrating when I was trying to skip through dialogue in the various reattempts of Papyrus that shouldn't even have been necessary.

Overall: Cool concept, cool visuals, but the actual gameplay and writing needs a great deal of rebalancing.

This is extremely underrated I just can't-


Note! This project is owned by both @LuciiiDLL and @__b . Credits go to both of us <3

The demo content does NOT reflect current progress 100% accurately. If you got here from the UNDEREVENT trailer or saw recent progress before playing the demo, what was shown there is not included in the demo gameplay.

Major UNDERTALE spoilers ahead. You've been warned.


UNDERTALE Icebound is an alternative timeline of UNDERTALE where, before the Determination experiments took place, monsters have attempted to create an artificial human SOUL in order to cross the barrier early. Out of three of them, only one 'survived' - with the given name of "Glacialys" - but it proved to be Monsterkind's biggest downfall.

What follows is a sequel kind of story to UNDERTALE's, as yet another human - Chione - falls down in the Underground... but nothing you knew before is the same.

Discord - Soundcloud - Youtube


Directors | Lucana.dll and __b

Artists & Spriters | Xeron, JMNSky, Ner, __b, Alter, Atemy, Marigold | Apricoska, Bloodmourn, Kekuus, 4DToast, Nekma

Musicians | Mugger, hotcake, Synth Mints, Lynx, Aider, Cass

Programmers | __b, jreem, dingyspy

Writers | Lucana.dll, Ty, Pilar, RubyC34, Blithroth

Editor | Amaya


AGoodUsername - Guest spriter
Spiciii - Ex-Writer
Kirb - Early Spriter
Jackass/AnnoyingPumpkin - Early Spriter
zalcuzidk - Ex-spriter
okiwillusemyrealname - Ex-spriter
Piesprite - Former Spriter

| QNA |

Q: Is this the official AU page?
A: Yes, it is. Anything that isn't this page is fake, or a take.


Q: The game won't open, or it crashes shortly after opening. Why?
A: Due to requirements for the demo's Discord Rich Presence code, you will need to install a version of Microsoft Visual Studio Community from 2019 or later and whatever this thing is



Q: Are updates/devlogs frequent?
A: They used to be, but no so much anymore. A lot more work is being put into the project nowadays, so updates will naturally become less frequent.


Q: Can I use assets from the game such as Sprites, Art, and Music?

A: Without our permission? No, you cannot use any assets included in the game without asking us (Lucana, __b) first. If permissions are granted by us, go ahead, but it's a no until stated otherwise.


Q: Will there be an update to the demo?
A: Don't count on it unless the game needs patching. We do not intend to update the demo with 'chapters' or 'episodes.' You will get the demo, and a full package. That's final.

Q: Is there a soundtrack available?
A: Yes! We upload all tracks that are publically released here on Gamejolt, on Soundcloud, and more recently, Youtube!


Q: What's the release date of the game? Do you have one figured out?
A: We're not rushing and don't intend to rush the development of the game. Don't constantly ask us for one, or for a demo update either, as this starts to get very annoying real quick. We're taking our time to make sure everything is as smooth as it can possibly be. If you're impatient, then perhaps your attention is better directed to other projects.

UNDERTALE by Toby Fox & Temmie Chang

Page assets made by Kekuus and Bloodmourn, banner and thumbnail by __b and Kekuus.

Re-using/Re-uploading any assets without permission is prohibited.

#undertale #other #fangame #undertalefangame


We're opening up team applications!

We have released a 32bit version of the game. A fullscreen patch will be available soon!

Edit: 32bit version has been temporarely privated due to an issue with it. We're looking into it!


Special delivery today!! We have released a remaster of Floral Fracture, created by Mugger! The link will be below. We hope you enjoy~


Hey peeps, no updates yet, but an ex-dev has created a final version of Icebound Ferocity with our assistance. I thought I’d show you it all here!

Hey everyone! We had some feedback regarding the game description, so we have changed it to hopefully be more straightforward ^^

Happy Anniversary! Or, uh, happy 1st birthday to Undertale Icebound!! Yeah!!

Hey peeps, surprise upload today. We didn't think we would need another track for the OST, yet here we are lol.

I'm not allowed to post anything so have chione with a fishe