
Comments (4)

What do you think?

It looks like a good alternative for BnP

Выглядит довольно интересно, буду ждать хотя бы демо руин

Looks pretty interesting, I'll wait for at least a demo of the ruins


Undertale Lighter

Version: 0.1.1about 1 year ago

UT Lighter - bad demo build

Version: 0.2.0-badabout 1 year ago

We dont developing this mod for now, sorry.

We keeping this page as a public archive.

This mod makes undertale more "lighter". Some graphics and locations changes and maybe new rooms and battles in future.

In demo i want to release ruins.

Discord server:


Based on undertale and this cool mod:


This build will be deleted when we resprite ruins.

Ok. We will resprite ruins later but now we want to share you build with sprites simmilar to bnp because there are snowdin content and we wanted to release it on december end. Mod will be continued. Sorry.

Snowdin completed by 80-95% i think

What about 0.2.0(snowdin update)?

We almost finished with snowdin and already done with ruins remake.

When we want to release it?

I think in end of december or in january start.

0.1.1 path got released!

Fixed menu softlock.