Five Seconds
Survive 5 seconds.
10 Seconds
Survive ten seconds.
12 seconds
Stay in the game for 12 seconds.
15 seconds
Get to the 15 second mark.
17 seconds
Good luck!
20 seconds
Good job on getting this far.
22 seconds
24 seconds
Ah, you're trying to get high in the highscore lists? Come on, then :)
26 seconds
You're on a roll!
28 seconds
30 seconds
This is probably the farthest you can ever get. Great job on getting this far!
Lantern Pole
Don't move the entire game, and get at least 10 seconds.
Thanks for playing!
Finish your first game.
One Second Hero
Finish a game in less than one second
[Community] 250 games
The total worldwide played games reached 250! Thanks for playing, all :D [Version 1.1 and higher only.]
Miniature Master
Press F4 in-game to play the game in miniature mode for an even intenser one-dimensional experience. [Version 1.1.1 and higher only]
Getting started
Play ten games in one session.
Becoming a pro
Play 20 games in one session!
Play 40 games in one session!
[Community] 500 games
The community played 500 games in total! An amazing feat and my thanks! [Version 1.1 and higher only.]
[Community] 1000 games
The community played 1000 games in total! You are all thanked! [Version 1.1 and higher only.]
[Community] 2000 games
<3 [Version 1.1 and higher only.]
40 seconds - Champion
Achieve this trophy to view the description.
50 seconds - Hero
Achieve this trophy to view the description.
60 seconds - LEGENDARY!
Achieve this trophy to view the description.
[Community] 3000 games
The community has played an amount of 3000 games in total! [Version 1.1 and higher only.]