
Comments (5)

What do you think?

I also expect more :D
Can you make another one?

Followed and rated 5!
It's a pretty cool game,the platforming thing is kinda hard cuz controls... BUTT,still,it's a cool game :)

Hey that was really cool!!


Universe Traveler

Version: 0.1.0over 9 years ago

The first game I ever made so yeah it will be bad.

Controller required!

Have you ever wanted explore universes stranger than our own? Well Look no further! Universe Traveler is a game about platforming ,exploring and questioning life as a whole. I hope you enjoy it! It's quite a ride!

ZIP file download is highly recommended as it supports high res textures and customisable resolutions as well as keybindings and full screen or windowed mode.

Left Stick-Move
Right Stick-Look
A button-Jump
X button-Shoot

Some jumps require you to sprint then jump.

Others require you to sprint in air
for more momentum.

Sometimes you have to jump up objects aswell when you hit the object keep on
pressing the A button.

Objective 1:
Once at the city in the sky jump the buildings to get to Holiday Mario's flat ,the portal to The Planet Of The Blue is there.

Obecjtive 2 :
Once at the Planet Of the Blue Climb the Boat to the top to go through the portal to the Bad egg's base.

Objective 3:
Eliminate the Bad egg.

Objective 4:
Go home...

There are many secrets to find in this game as it is about exploration.
So make sure to check every nook and cranny.

This also includes 2 secret levels.

Comical Shenanigans

Universe Traveler now has full controller support