
Comments (15)

What do you think?

I dont have a PC, how can I play this or build it on mobile? Is there an apk version anywhere?

How to play this?

You haven't updated to the new version?

If you are going to be able to update it?

How do I build the file


Ribbit Unofficial Mobile Port - The Port of The Deltarune Mod

Version: 0.1.0about 3 years ago

WARNING: This is an old version of Ribbit, and this port won't be updated in a long time, feel free to report bugs but they might not get fixed unless I update this in the future.

The awesome mod made by TheMaximus ported unofficially to the Android OS.

Featuring touch controls and some bug fixes to make it work on Android.

The game seems 100% completeable and was already tested twice. Feel free to report bugs tho.

Requires Windows & Java for semi-automatic build, but in theory you only need a way to apply xdelta3 patches and Java (and knowledge of how to do it).

Don't have a PC to build it? DM me and I'll try to help you.

Warning: This is an unofficial port so any bugs or questions regarding the port should go to me and not to TheMaximus. If you want to download the original thing do it from here.

Discord: angelapuzzle (Pomelo Format)

PD: No idea how Game Tags work.

#deltarune #ribbit

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference

The port will be updated at some point in the future, but it's a far future.

Mod working now, sorry.