
Comments (3)

What do you think?

forever second

forever first

Look Ma, i did something with my life!

Being seriously tho, this mod is pretty cool, only complaint is alot of icaru's (or whatever his name is) Line size is very inconsisnt, sometimes hes like 2.4 then the next hes half that, but you guys are fixing that. other than that, pretty cool (my favorite part's where GF's rant goes off screen, lol.)


Friday Night Funkin' Uprising

Version: 0.1.0over 3 years ago

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Angelic [Menu Music]

You and Pit are arguing over who’s girl is better, so you decide to settle it with a rap battle! (DA TEAM!!!: Artists: @postmatesongamejolt , @NoodleCatShop and @Rukfran Coder & Charter: @Matheus_Lopes, Musicians: @FlameMind , @MrCrabapples Chromatic Scale: GenoX ( Other people: @Banpro05 ) #fnf #kidicarus

Crass Humor


1.5 should be done by the end of the week so while you wait,

REDISIGN COMING SOON [possibly today] (art by the talented @Rukfran )