
Comments (26)

What do you think?

Also what program was this game made in?

This game is really good

The 32Kb file size limit is not as bad as you would think. It is not the actual code size limit, but what the rom size is after it is compiled. The current game I'm working on has a code size of 111Kbs, but the rom file after it is compiled is only 26Kb and I use C to do the coding.

I also code using The Games Factory II which allows for much MUCH larger file size games. My last TGFII game was over 10Mb. Besides C and TGFII, I have also coded in VB5 and VB.Net. The easiest of them all would definitely have to be TGFII. I'm probably going to be making a Colecovision Game creator program that saves you loads (weeks) of time so you can concentrate on the fun part of the game making using C. I was thinking of making games for NES, but I just haven't gotten around to it and I actually kind of NEED the 32Kb limit so I won't keep adding more and more and more to my games....which can end up making the time for game making go to over half a year....which is just too long. This is also why I'm going to work on the game creator helper program.

That's cool. I understand, I've made several Windows games myself and it is easier than coding for Colecovision since you don't have a 32Kb file size limit, the dreaded nmi which can make your graphics go glitchy for no apparent reason (if not coded to avoid the issue), and the 4 sprites per scan line/sprite flicker issue.

Keep up the good work! :)

Can you contact me at parkfun101 at Yahoo? There is a big retro scene for Colecovision games and I think you could help make some games for Colecovision. You wouldn't have to do the manual, box, cartrige, selling stuff. I released Tank Challenge for CollectorVision Games last year and they are fun to work with. They take care of all the selling/marketing stuff. There are guys out there who would buy these if they were in cartridge form right away and they would LOVE to have someone who takes old games and makes them better. I'm currently working on Tron Light Cycles game that adds new levels, weapons, etc. Email me if you're interested or check out AtariAge site for Colecovision/Adam so you can see how they are on there.



Version: 16.0.0over 1 year ago

It's a remake of the original game Venture from Exidy (1982) with extra levels, new traps and extra weapons!

This is an arcade action game where you control your player "Winky" to roam the dungeons looking for treasures. Watch out as the dungeons are filled with monsters and all kinds of traps.

This game features:

  • Arcade hard gameplay

  • Total of 9 dungeons (total of 36 levels)

  • Very sneaky enemy A.I.

  • All original arcade levels included

  • Added 6 dungeons with brand new levels with new traps and new enemies

  • Much harder difficulty than the original game (but can also be set to EASY)

  • Gamepad/joystick support

If you want to start with the new levels right away, then at the blue select difficulty screen, hold F1, and then start game. Game will be started in dungeon 4, skipping the arcade levels!

Good luck!


pretty big update to this game:

-changed various levels to make the game more balanced

-changed AI of monster, so the game is more balanced and not unfair, so even good playable on level 6,7 and 8

-support for more controllers

New version 10.4.2020 released.

Fixed problem with Nvidia Shield controller. Also updated screenshots. :)

New version 9.9.2019 released!

(bug fixes)

Happy playing :)

If you run the game on some Windows10 system, you get the following message:
"An app on your PC need the following Windows feature"

Dont install "DirectPlay", just skip the installation.
The game runs fine without it :)


Update to version 9.4.2018

Quite a lot of updates, mainly the font graphics and I made the A.I of the monsters a lot better, making them still smart, but also some more randomness to it, making the game a lot better to play. Also some small bug fixes!