Comments (12)
I'm trying to open the game but it's not working
RPG maker
its ben a year are you gonna fix it
im sorry i would fix it if i could but my laptop crashed and i lost everything so when i get it back ill make a different one. the reason that it doesnt open is because when i uploaded the game i just uploaded the game.exe itself and not the zip folder for it. so im sorry if it doesnt work for most of u guys or not at all for alot of u but there is nothing i can do rite now to fix it. my laptop is fixed and in the shop so when i get it back i will make a new version of this game. for now im gunna have to delete this current game. unless i get comments from some people saying that it works perfectly fine for them. anyway i hope u guys will understand my frustration and still appreciate my hard work and i will get back to you guys later. ps: i hope you guys can figure out how to play it and if so add me and msge me or just send me the link for the program that worjed for it in the comments below.
its not opening
Venturiantale's Quest: Jimmy Casket's Revenge
This is my very first fanmade game that i made for the awesome youtube channel venturiantale. plz tell me what you think and tell me if i should or shouldnt make another one. plz. help me out here. if i should make another one plz tell me what i should add and plz help me out with the adding of the party members and the battle scenes. thank you and enjoy. And check out the video which i will put uplater. on my youtube channel. the link to my channel is down below:
My youtube channel:
also check out Venturiantale's youtube channel as well.
Venturiantale's youtube channel:
and plz spread my game around and also test it out yourself. and i hope you geeky people out there stay geeky. deuces.