
Comments (4)

What do you think?

At first I thought that this game was fantasy, but when I competed it (which took around a minute) I realised that this is based on a real world issue. This could be a really good game with a strong political message, but there are quite a few issues.

  1. Please make it clear that it is based on real life, and perhaps up the age rating a bit (This is seriously dark stuff you're talking about here)

  2. Spelling mistakes etc. in the intro meant I didn't take it as seriously while playing as I should have done. If your first language isn't English, however, it's forgivable.
    3.Serious lack of graphics. I understand that you wanted to keep it as mild as possible, but perhaps you should include some more details. You can keep the style, just add more stuff.

  3. It's criminally short. There wasn't enough build up or tension to me beating up the man, and I did as the game told me to. Not questioning once whether I should stop or not. I wasn't given a choice to say 'No. This is bad. I don't want to beat up this clearly defenceless man/red square.'

Despite this, I thought that the way you turned red as you hit the man was really clever, but I wasn't given enough time to process it all. 2/5

muito bom seu jogo , mas adiciona mais coisa , vou dar um following e adicionar a minha playlist :D , mas como eu disse bota mais coisa ai ta muito facil ,e muito rapido o jogo (eu só entrei e já terminei o jogo)

Pois é... é triste saber que por vezes a humanidade não pensa e reage de forma errada. Mas temos que aprender a viver com isso, visto que os que cometem erros são em grande quantidade...

There' little..



Version: 1.0.3-autoalmost 11 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Arch of Dawn

I am scared with the situation in my city, I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and here an situation is hapening , vigilante groups think they have authority to do the role of justice. It is serious, for more information you can visit this link

Cartoon Violence

The sad situation of barbarism

My city and my country are falling in babarism and for you can see what is happening I did this little game.