
Comments (111)

What do you think?

YOOOOOUUUU ... need to complete this game. Yes, yes you do.

Looks great!

Wow! This game has great potential! I'll consider this a demo even if the full version does not exist

This was awesome! Short, but looks like it would be something I would love to play a full version of! Please finish!

Here's my Let's Play:

This Game is brilliant! I haven't ever been jump sacred so quickly in my life! YOU NEED TO FINISH IT! the atmosphere is AMAZING, the Story is AWESOME so far just god damn finish it! anyways, I would really appreciate it if you could go check out my video on this game and leave a like! Thanks guys!



Version: 1.0.0over 12 years ago

--VOID 46 is my entry for Game Jolts Contest 8 FEAR--

Note: This is only the first version of this game, due to the lack of time I had to complete the game and focusing mainly on visulas, it is not what I origonally set out to create, so I plan to expand on this in future weeks, plase take this in mind when playing and it seems dreadfully short or something doesnt make sense. This is only crappy build to show what I did.

VOID 46, Your Mind is your Prison.

You wake up in a cell, your mind aimless and empty. A light flickers on the steel ceiling of the confinement. You have no memory of yourself or your location. The bed is stained with the crimson of your own blood, which seemed to have recently flowed from the base of your cranium. The cause of the wound is unknown to you. An open door with a gaping black mouth beckons your escape. You push through the aperture, your mind rupturing with fear and paranoia. You find a lantern in the darkness of a nearby desk; a subtle comfort in the darkness, although the battery is limited, so you must find more. You hear voices, echoing in the foundations of your skull, everything tells you that you don’t want to be here, but you deny the thoughts for you must maintain your sanity if you wish to survive…

VOID 46 is a puzzle/adventure/survival game, you must maintain your sanity as you wander the confinement.

Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
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