
Vs Keith Silvers [OFFICIAL DEMO]
Green Ball Assets
Game Soundtrack
- 1.Main Menu Theme
- 2.Tea Time Theme
- 3.Breakfast Theme
- 4.Gallery Theme
- 5.Tea Time [OLD/OUTDATE]
- 6.Lost To a FAKER [TEASER]
- 7.HeartBeat YouTuber [Official]
- 8.Back On Set [Official]
- 9.Attack Of Galaxy [TEASER]
- 10.Attack of Galaxy's One Years Anniversary! [OFFCICAL MP3]
- 11.Attack of Galaxy's One Years Anniversary! But Gf Sing It [COVER MP3]
- 12.Our Ten Years [OUTDATE]
- 13.The Galaxy WAR [CANCELLLED + UNUSE]
- 14.Santa Holiday Season [OFFICIAL]
- 15.Crossing Your World [OFFICIAL]
- 16.Shotay [BF Side]
- 17.Shotay [Tactie Side]
- 18.Shotay [BF & Tactie]
- 19.FallOut [Official]
- 20.Ian And Bob The Adventure Official Trailer Theme
- 21.The Galaxy WAR V2.0 [Prototype]
- 22.Just Beyond [OFFICAL]
- 23.Just Beyond [VOICES ONLY]
- 24.Just Beyond [Keith JK Part]
- 25.Just Beyond [Bob (AKA RED) Part]
- 26.Triple Of TERROR [Prototype]
- 27.Friend Never End [OFFICIAL]
- 28.Friend Never End [Vocal Only]
- 29.Friendship Never End [GOOD ENDING]
- 30.Revenge For Terror [OFFICIAL]
- 31.Make The Magic Happened [OFFICIAL]
- 32.Turned Down [OFFICIAL]
- 33.Iesu nō ōkē [OFFICIAL]
- 34.Our Friend Never STAND!? (Leaks)
- 35.The Ultimate Of Revenge [OFFICIAL]
- 36.Out of Your WAY!!!! [OFFICIAL]
- 37.Out of Your WAY!!!! [Off Inst OFFICIAL]
- 38.Kill Ourself for the Evil of HELL [OFFICIAL]
- 39.Kill Ourself for the Evil of HELL [Ian OFFICIAL PART]
- 40.Kill Ourself for the Evil of HELL [Jesus OFFICIAL PART]
- 41.Kill Ourself for the Evil of HELL [Ian OFF INST PART]
- 42.Kill Ourself for the Evil of HELL [Jesus OFF INST PART]
- 43.Overwork [OFFCIAL MP3]
- 44.Never Fell APOCALYPSE!!!!
- 45.Along With Suffering [OFFCIAL MP3]
- 46.Our First FNAF Game! [Five Nights at Freddy's 1 Song & OFFICIAL MP3]
- 47.Revenge of TERROR (Remastered) [OFFICIAL MP3]
- 48.Run AWAYS!!!?!??!?! [OFFICIAL MP3]
- 49.Hateful [OFFICIAL MP3]
The Official "Vs Keith Silvers" Is Almost Done on 70% of it, The Game will have a New Game Difficulties, some of them Return and some of them don't and the Classic FNF OG will know this one! The OG "Easy, Normal and Hard" difficulties are back! But a make of over, Pls Wait when the demo is out Soon! 🥲
Yay! One years anniversary for my Mod! Thanks you guys to be with me in this long opportunity for me to make more mod, chart, sprites and more! Please Follow up my Twitter page for more info on the Fandom Website
▶ ▸ ⟮🔹️⟯ CREDITS ⟮🔹️⟯ ◂ ◀
⎔ Directors
⎆ @Keith_Funkin ⊳ Director / Artist / Spriter Maker / Animator
⎆ Bob AK 47 ⊳ Co-Director / Sprite Maker / Charter
⎔ Coders / Programmers / Port
⎆ @Keith_Funkin ⊳ programmer
⎆ @ThePotra ⊳ Programmer / DDTO Plus Psych Engine
⎔ Composers
⎆ Emily Chan ⊳ Lead Composer / Sound designer / voice actor
⎆ Mark ⊳ Composer
⎆ Jeff ⊳ Composer
⎔ Extra Helpers
⎆ Bob AK 47 ⊳ Voice acting
⎆ @Keith_Funkin ⊳ Artist / Voice acting
⎆ Emily Chan ⊳ Extra Artist / Helpers
⎔ Special thanks
⊳ Emily Chan
⊳ Bob
⊳ David
⊳ Jeff
! Notes:
🚧 Gamebanana when the mod is public! 🚧
▶ ▸ ⟮🔹️⟯ SOCIAL LINKS ⟮🔹️⟯ ◂ ◀
Keith Silvers
⊳ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtXHOxsvszUMIV7KlIb1Q_w
⊳ https://twitter.com/FNFunkinMOD
⊳ https://www.twitch.tv/ianomg_officialtwitch
⊳ https://www.instagram.com/ianomg_official/?next=%2F
⊳ https://www.roblox.com/users/3020764495/profile
That's all for this mod, the game will be released sooner! stay tuned :D