
Friday Night Funkin' - Vs. Matt's Partner (Vs. Miyu)
Go up against Miyu, Matt's Tennis partner in a rap battle! #fnf
This is a Psych Engine Mod. If you don't know how to download those, a tutorial is linked here.
Miyu Wiik Credits:
BaconChannel - Art, Music, Charting
Ethan - Animation
TheOnlyVolume - Matt Voice
Original Matt Wiik Credits:
hayley_co0ntrol - Background Art
Sulayre - Sprites, Code
TheOnlyVolume - Charter, Wiik 1 Music, Wiik 2 Boxing Match
Biddle3 - Wiik 2 Sporting
Joan Atlas - Main Menu Music
cookiecrumbs - Charter
WhippyorcYT - Charter
Jams3D - Wiik 2 Sprites
paciofd - Wiik 2 Sprites
BeezyLove - Ending Screens
KadeDev - Kade Engine
MrNeptoon - beating matt wiik first i think (Idk they're in the credits lol
HexerRush - Helping with art
LetterY - Mii GF
Assets (FLAs, Chromatic Scales) are linked here
Thank you for reading