Comments (34)
this will be epic.
As a person from the GD Community, I am looking forward to this
Yoooo that is such a pog mod can I plsss help you with the sprites I know how to make them!
> "Expect this mod to run on a potato despite whatever we add"
This statement restores my faith in the modding community.
2.2 when (October apparently LMFAO)
From the masterful coder of the VS. Tabi and Beach Brother mods: many, many months (and counting) of hard work brings you...
We wish to keep info about what will be in the mod to a minimum since there is a lot planned and we are still working on it, but know that there will be a minimum of one week with dialogue and a new mechanic or two...
There is no release date since we don't want this to become like a job along with many people being busy externally, but the goal is some time in 2022-2023. It's gonna be sick, trust us.
Expect this mod (now fangame) to run on a potato despite whatever we add