
Welcome to the World of Vuya Fever!
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200 Score
Reached 200 Score!

1000 Score
Reached 1000 Score!

Get your First Power Up!
Got Your first Power up!

Played Multiplayer!
There's 2 of us!

1250 Score
Reached 1250 Score!

1500 Score
Reached 1500 Score!

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1900 Score
Reached 1900 Score!

2900 Score
Reached 2900 Score!

3500 Score
Reached 3500 Score!

7500 Score
Reached 7500 Score!

10000 Score
Reached 10000 Score!

50000 Score
Reached 50000 Score!

100000 Score
Reached 100000 Score!

250000 Score
Reached 250000 Score!

300000 Score
Reached 300000 Score!

500000 Score
Reached 500000 Score!

950000 Score
Reached 950000 Score!

Played the Full Demo!
Adventure Time

1,000,000 Score!
Your the King!

Thanks for Playing!
Played the Demo!

Talked to VCVuyaAnimator!
Ya u talked too me! Cool......