Comments (15)
but why?
Thanks all for the support. We will be launching our Kickstarter very soon so keep a look out for our announcement!
I am not going to lie. This game is a gem. Cant wait to get better at it! -- Keep up the amazing work!
A subscriber of mine recommended I play this game! Gotta tell you it's fun and silly at the same time! My favorite is Haruka even thought I lost a lot in hard mode XD
Your game is super fun I really enjoyed all of its hilarious and I can't wait to see more updates on it.
Waifu Fight Dango Style Demo

Waifu Fight: Dango Style is an exciting new retro-type action based game incorporating a unique mix of intense gameplay and attractive, anime-style character artwork! You and your Waifu of choice will square off against an opponent by bouncing dangos between one another until you break through each other's defense! Waifu Fight is a crazy mix between the wall breaking mechanics of Breakout, the narrative and sexual elements of HuniePop, the special attacks and combos of Street Fighter, and the retro action from good old fashioned Pong!
Unlike its contemporaries in the ecchi game field, Waifu Fight incorporates its characters as a gameplay element—frequently a character will pop into the middle of the screen and your dangos will bounce off of her cute and sexy body! Combine this with a robust suite of items and power-ups, the paths to victory become nearly endless!

Visit our Twitter for a chance to win a Waifu Fight Pre-Beta Key
Alcohol Reference
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Mature Humor
Simulated Gambling