Comments (7)
Looks like a horror themed Pokemon World where pokemons turn to some kind of disgusting creatures that will devour your soul and will be kept in a hellish jail with drops of blood on the floor and creatures lurking on the dark corner of the area waiting to eat you alive. IT'S AWESOME! I'LL BE PLAYING THIS GAME FOR HOURS WHEN IT COMES OUT!
Can't wait to try it ;)
Looks great ! :D
Wow this looks very good!Like a pokemon horror game!
Seems Good! :D
Featuring Game Boy era graphics, carefully written dialogue and puzzles, Walled Moments is an adventure and horror game that will tell a rich and haunting tale about a small lodge which survives the rise and fall of a genocidal regime.
An abandoned old man looks after his lost wife. A mother attempts to save her son by discovering the combination of a safe. A doctor struggles to spare the life of a strange woman by amputating her wounded arm. Control inhabitants of different slices of the place's timeline as their stories affect one another and intertwine in amazing and unexpected ways.
Started for #adventurejam by Midipixel.