Comments (1)
Not bad, but needs work.
War of Ages (Windows)
Windows users we recomend volume to be 20
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want to talk with other players and get latest news on the game? We now have a fourm where this is all possiable. here: http://warofages.freeforums.net/
Developer note:
We are trying to go for a old time game with the attack like stuff from final fantasy and those games like it.
Attack your opponate until they die, then collect the money and buy upgrades to take on the next leveled monster.
This is a fun, never ending challendge your friends type game. See who is able to get to the highest level beast.
We currently are working on beta, if you want to beta test please comment so in the description.
Please leave a rating on what you think!
Joey Bost (Im the leader and so far the only prson in iorn edge studios)
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling