Comments (35)
Does anyone have a solution for the shakey objects when you strafe and move mouse to keep focus centered?
I just played it, and it's ok. A mini-map would be good. I didn't know when the storm was coming and from where. The hit markers are not good. I ran up on a bot point blank and still couldn't register a hit. The bots seem to hit me just fine. It needs a lot of fixing but I can see it being fun.
OK, I came back from playing it, and it was extremely laggy, even though I had it on my lowest graphics setting.
Fortunately, it's not your fault. I have a Dell Latitude, and it was ACTUALLY a army used laptop, not used for game.
So, there's my explanation. Again, it's not your fault.
Nice, Iike it. Needs some fixes, but besides that it's great! Looking foward to updates :)
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NOTE: the full version of the game (v.3.1) is no longer available on GameJolt, though you can still get it on itch.io on sale for free. Follow this link for more info: https://mini-official.itch.io/warcry
Survive for as long as you can, gathering armour and resources, whilst being hailed with fire from hundreds of enemy bots, eager to get some extra kills.

Quickly swap between different tools and weapons, while being constantly on the hunt for some extra armour or ammo, collecting as much as you could possibly hold.

Have complete control over the number of bots in your game and decide how you want to play the game!

Arrow keys / WASD - Movement
Joystick (Beta) / Mouse - Look
Shift - Sprint
E - Inventory
F - Interact (Enter / Exit / Use)
C - Toggle Crawl / Crouch
V - Toggle Perspective
B - 3rd Person Angle
N - Toggle Scoreboard
Gameplay / Inspiration
This game was inspired by some hit titles such as Ravenfield, PUBG and Pixel Gun 3D. The game is a mix between all of the aspects of all 3 games in one.
First, you choose the number of bots in your game, you can choose from 1 bot, all the way up to 500 bots, in one giant free for all battle. The player drops out of an aircraft (Using 'F') and lands in different areas of the map, collecting armour, food & water, swords & axes, gun and ammunition from buildings and throughout the map.
The game is completely offline and can be enjoyed on the go, without needing an internet connection. This game is great for long road trips, or when you just feel like messing around with a few bots in a free for all battle.
Beta 3.0 Released!
What's new:
3 new weapons!
A new map!
Severe lag fixes, even on Ultra settings!
Minor fixes:
Redesigned menus
Renamed 'Water Botton' to 'Water Bottle' (Sorry about that one) :P
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed