
A new timetraveler has been joined!
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A new place to work.
Beat first night.

Something new...
Beat the second night.

More and more...
Beat the third night.

Sounds like i heard it somewhere before...
Beat the fourth night.

The final night?
Beath the fifth night.

Join my Discord server by a link.

Look where it all started.
Look on the main gamepage of the original.

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Demonic hallucinations.
Beat the sixth night.

It was so hard to do...
Beat the week on hard mode.

Wario from the correct timeline?
Find me. (Not Bruno gate)

Get all the jumpscares.

Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Do the Waluigi?

Beat all of the challenges.

The Devil.
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Drawings like by a kid, but what was that?
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Blind victory.
Beat the night with 0% of power left.

Open everythig in extras.

Free trophy?
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

True challenger.
Beat all out mode.

Old friend...
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The end?
Beat all the game.