
Weak of the Bear
Game Soundtrack
What would you do if everyone you knew started turning into bears? Would you lay down and cry? Would you join them? Well as for the Duke, he'd very much love to kick their arses and stop this from happening!
Join the Duke of Wales as he journeys through Joltland on an epic quest to stop a horrifying plague that turns people into bears!
This was made for #bearjam
There are multiple endings in this game, so try to find them all!
I will not be updating this game any further.
Hint: If you're having trouble with the Wall fight, try training against bears at the gamestop event.
RPGMaker VX Ace RTP is required: http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/download/additional/run-time-packages
Music credits go to Boiled Wool.
Join my discord for news or just general chit chat! https://discord.gg/Vzs7FW9
#other #altgame