
Comments (59)

What do you think?

Pretty darn good for being made in 72 hours ;)

I played your game and its great! I made a video on it here- Can't wait to see more!

I'm not sure I figured out the ending, but the rabbit was kind of creepy and the hiding put me on edge.

I did come across a bug where I fell off the edge of the game, which was a bit strange.

I also did a video on this, if anyone wants to waste a couple of minutes:

Really enjoyed this even if it was short,

I played this on my channel and it's really cool! There could be many ways that you interpret the ending, and there are definitely some scares! :D


Welcome Home Jacob

Version: 0.1.0over 8 years ago

#meatlyjam #horror #gore #atmosphere #gamejam #72h


This game IS going to be continued. I just have to wait for the jam voting to end until I can upload any new versions ;).


"Welcome Home Jacob" is a dark and unnerving experience targeted at mature audiences. It was made in under 72 hours for the Meatly Jam.


This game was programmed in HTML, JavaScript and WebGL using the Brackets IDE. The graphics were made using GIMP 2, and the sounds/music composed in FL Studio 12.

The Making Of

It all started on 12th of August, 8 AM (local time). I got up a little late, since the jam started at 6 AM for me, but that gave me the time to get some proper sleep before I would get used to it's inexistence xD. I set-up the base enviorment, created the basing files, and started coding the structure of the engine, but that wasn't particularly hard since I've done it a couple of times before in a simillar manner.

(to be continued)

Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Strong Language

The Post-Jam Release Incoming! (Post-Processing Effects included)

The First and Last Jam Release!

So, at 5 AM, I have finally stopped coding. And now, we rest xD.