
Comments (353)

What do you think?

Gods, the artwork in this game is so, freaking, endearing. Love everything about it and the subtleties in it. Also, random fact: In high school, I used to doodle chibis with what my friends called "paddle hands," so your art style for the human fodder provides me with some humorous reminiscence.

Gameplay wise, I enjoy its simplicity and find it executed pleasantly and very smoothly. If this isn't yet something you've released on Android/iOS, I strongly recommend you get it out there because I can definitely see a market for it, perhaps with added levels, maybe unlockable weracters (get it? Like, werewolves and characters combined. Ahhhaha ........ ha ... ahem).

10/10 would noms hoomans again.

killed by flash :(

can you fix this so it doesnt require flash please. i really want to play the game but cant.

played this cause of pewdiepie xDD

Este juego es Divertido, para pasar el rato, se los recomiendo


Werewolf Tycoon

Version: 1.0.0about 10 years ago

A flash port of the mobile game, Werewolf Tycoon.

Become the Big Bad Wolf of Werewolf Park in this werewolf stealth simulation game.

Eat as many people as you can, but pace yourself, try not to be seen, and do not let witnesses escape! After all, things could get tricky if too many people become aware of your existence!

Happy munching!

Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Major Halloween Update Coming Soon!

Werewolf Tycoon 2 Announcement