Comments (6)
This game is like no other, congratulations for the originaty! 5/5
Add some pictures of your game to gamejolt! the worm is sooo derpy - I included it in part 25 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)
Not much to the game, but it definitely made me laugh. 46 seconds was my personal best and that was enough for me. I don't know if there was a way to win, but I do not feel like trying to find out. Overall, nice entry for 3 days of work on it :)
Hint for people, on the left side there is a nice separation between spawn points. You can use the turning "tailswing" to your advantage in dodging.
Haha. This is comedy gold in it's own genre for sure :)
Wet Worm
Heart attack and epilepsy warning!
Enjoy this multileveled, complicated and sophisticated game!
I hope pewds will have dream about wet worms.