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Wheels of Elefantita

Version: 1.0.1over 8 years ago


This game was created in less than a week as a birthday's gift to my beloved partner.
It's inspired by Nes and MSX era, and it's mainly based on the game "City Connection".


You have 3 extra lives, and your mission is to paint the entire track while avoiding police cars.
Each stage has a Bonus reward (displayed at top right corner of the screen) that is constantly decremented by time.
When you Clear the Stage, that Bonus will be added to your Score.
The game ends when you lose all lives.
You will gain lives by score every 15000, 30000, 60000, etc.
Note that you can break some bricks hitting them from below (those bricks aren't necessary to clear the stage, but sometimes, break them leads you to new areas).


Mainly you have control of the player's horizontal movement, and jumps.
Note that your jump altitude depends of how much long you keep pressing the Jump Button.

You can play using your Joystick or Keyboard.
The Keyboard combinations are:

For Movement: Left & Right, A & D or Numpad 4 & 6.
For Jump: X, V, Up, W, K, U, O or Numpad 8.
For Start & Pause: Enter, Space or Numpad Enter.

The Joystick configuration are pretty obvious:

For Movement: Left Analog
For Jump: A, B, X or Y
For Start & Pause: Start


You can switch Between 5 Display Modes pressing: Backspace, Tab or Numpad 0 on your Keyboard, or pressing Back Button on your Joystick.

These Display Modes are:
1985 TV (Default) : TV CRT Effect
1980 TV : Just like previous one but Gray Scaled.
1995 PC : Looks like old PC CRT Screen.
FILTERED : Basic bilinear filter.
ORIGINAL : Clean display with no Effects.

There are some special Shortcuts:

For Enter/Leave Fullscreen: Alt + Enter.
For Switch FPS Display: F.
For Quit Game: Escape.


Os Windows 7 +
A machine that can run DotNet4.5 applications.
A decent video card that supports Pixel Shaders. (The game simulates an old CTR TV Monitor using Pixel Shaders)


All Graphics, Programming, Music and Sounds was done by me, SebaGames (

This game was entirely programmed from scratch in C# with my own Custom Framework (SebaGames Framework).
For displaying images and initialize the Game Window I used OpenTK that's an OpenGL wrapper for C#. (
For the audio playback, this game uses the great FMOD library, by Firefly Technologies. (

All the graphics were created under GraphicsGale by HumanBalance Ltd. (
All the game sounds were created using the great freeware software LabChirp by Labbed. (
All the game musics were composed and rendered in LMMS. (

Thank You for download and play this game, and SPECIALLY THANK YOU if you have been donated before download it! =)


If you enjoy this game and you want to help me to create more exciting freeware games, you can donate via paypal:

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Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
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