Comments (1)
This game is pretty nice! Good work!
When the Science Just Clicks
The year is 2027, and a virus- a strain of the Influenza Virus- has spread through the entire world. Its mortality rate: 100%.
Widespread panic soon consumed the entire world, as civilization's realization came to a head- everyone becoming aware of the same thought. Humankind was on the brink of extinction. Horrifying symptoms took hold over the course of time- tears of blood, necrosis, and organ to highlight the more common of them. With those symptoms came a loss of hope- and salvation seemed out of grasp.
The Scientist and You, The Assistant, would be the last hope. Your employer transplanted his brain into a Mobile Command Center, powering a small organism, to free up his mental processes. He promised you, that you both would develop a cure, and save humanity from it's creeping death. This is his story, and your story...
This is my first game as a solo indie dev, and I'm very excited to bring it out on GameJolt. If it weren't for sites like this, we wouldn't have a shot to make something for ourselves!
Anyway, this is a clicking based game, where you click and object- in this case a little ball of slime- and gain Productivity Units. You use these units to purchase upgrades and such- BUT WAIT- THERES MOOOOOORE!
This game is more story based than anything, and if you were to just race through it without reading the communicator and journal entries, you would miss out on the main just of the game. In otherwords, take your time- play around- and enjoy the story. Let me know what you think in the comments below, or contact me via email at [email protected].
I look forward to developing more games in the future- and it can only turn out better if I include the communities insights!