Comments (337)
Dude this is probably the most unique games i have ever seen!!
I've never seen a game that uses the window frame as a mechanic. It's such an interesting idea! The sound effects sound like something out of an Atari 2600, which adds an extra charm to the game. I would appreciate some music, though. [4.5/5]
It's a great game.
Could you please make a windowframe 2? That would be so COOL!!!
I really like the concept of this game.
this game is phenomenal!
features dozens of levels
six different boss battles
challenging puzzles
and lots of walljumping
press left click to shoot stakes at enemies, walls or window edges
hold right click on stakes pinned to window edges to drag them closer
hold R or shift to recollect all your used stakes
you can pull window edges toward you but you can't push window edges away
you cannot pull edges while in the air and you cannot recollect stakes while moving
press P to skip levels that are too difficult
press P in a boss level to beat the boss
press left click to skip through cutscenes
a game by daniel linssen
made for ludum dare 35
with a few small changes