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WitchCraft Windows

Version: 0.1.25about 9 years ago

WitchCraft Mac

Version: 0.1.25about 9 years ago

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Chapter 0

This game story is about a witch called Jenna smith and she has been acepted to Merlins castle as one of his apprentices and she dosnt know what in store for her.
This game is being made using rpg maker mv so there will bugs and glitch also this game is in development so i will fix them and update game weekly and needs alot done to the game and is no where near finsh probbly be finshed around 2016 june or late september due to exams and GCSE work I will put out early developments out to play which are stable plus extract files using winrar if possable you can download that here
Support for
Windows 32/64
Mac 32/64
Ios/android coming soon
Also HTML5 version
Things I need to do
Make it more interactive
Make the face more imotional
Make the people interactive with each other
Make a more pleasent Exp
Don't do same mistakes as the last games!! XD (They were really bad)
Say in comment what you want see in the game as i update it and change it
Note it was made with RPG MAKER MV

Comical Shenanigans

1.2.5 adding demo of chapter 2 not 1.3 as shown in game

I have added so you can play part of chaper 2 and update some stuff and menus

I am working on a big update 1-2 weeks

1,23 bug fixes and small changes

fix a thew issues and sp errors and also change two chr looks

1,20 is now downloadable

I will have break next and begin updates next week possable big one or a small ones maybe through next week

New version update 3/1/16 at around 7pm-8pm 1.2

i mite be putting this update out a bit early since i had last 2 days working on it