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demo 1
the demo of wolfy and fuzzys diner not much happens

After the bite of 83 at Fredbears Family Dinner Wolfy and Fuzzys Dinner had a really rough time trying to get in customers and had to shut the place down. Years later in 1994 they reopened there doors to customers and Carl Vootson met the new co-owner of the location Kevin Satson . Now you are hired to work the night shift were animtronics come and chase you down it is unkown of how they move whilst powered down but the rumour is that Kevin Satson murdered 5 children and stuffed them in the robots back at the old wolfy and fuzzys now they tooken the robot and try to kill you the only problem is there's 4 robots now so people dont believe it but the only other suit that could fit a human was Spring Wolfy now a days the Safe Rooms locked off for reasons all the workers know the suits that are in there . Weeks later the old nightguard died from a heart attack from unkown causes but the doors were locked so no robot could come in the only one it could be is spring wolfy . Now no-one knows how he teleported into the room but ...

Voice Actors: @jamescharles69696969 and myself :)
Art done by myself
Music by: Jago Dalton
Used app Fnaf Maker https://gamejolt.com/games/fnafmaker/418762
Fnaf owned by Scott Cawthon
Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans