Comments (24)
wow... 2019. It's still a shock that I still remember this game. I still love it though. I wonder if this will ever get finished.
Mr William B! We hate to say that we check up on this game's progress about every 6 months or so, but well... Our jaws just dropped when it hit us that "Wow...it's been over THREE YEARS since William first put this up on GameJolt . . ." (Personally, it didn't do much for my "Late-40's midlife crisis" either.) haha REGARDLESS, the main reason we are hitting you up is because we were once again making rounds through ALL of our collective Point&Click-Adventure-Escape Games. We do this about every 6 months, and of course last night we rediscovered Worldgate 1,2,3 again. GREAT memories and flashbacks. (Accidental pun there!) Personally, I was one of your Beta Testers for W3, btw. There are many of us out here, believe it or not, who would love to see the Worldgate Series reach its ultimate destiny of a Part 4. Even if, (if not especially), it were to be in flash format like the first 3 chapters are.
It doesn't have to be jaw-dropping out of this world incredibly more intense than the first 3 chapters are. That's not the point. (In the event that the project of a Unity game is too massive an endeavor to take on, with the MANY OTHER HUGE and unrelated projects in your life. Just speculating here. Personally, we know nothing about programming code, and have no clue if Flash is simpler and faster than Unity programming. We just happened to catch the reality that Worldgate 1,2 & 3 (along with the Freewill Cycle games!) were produced by you much faster, and although they are not "Playstation quality" games...they absolutely DON'T need to be! It might not be obvious from your perspective, but we can tell you as four Lifelong, Hopeless Flash-Gaming Addicts that an incredible amount of FLASH Point&Click-Adventure-Escape Games are STILL produced and uploaded to the WWW DAILY for people like us. And yes, there is STILL a HUGE following of gamers out here who absolutely worship flash games like the ones you've produced. (Collectively, in our group of 4 players, we have several hundred in our library.) We only mention all of this as we are certain that we're not the only ones who feel this way about the genre and your games. A couple of years back you mentioned to us - all of your other projects in life and that there would never be a release date for any of your games as they are created when "you get the itch" to create. That's totally respected.
We just wanted to tell you that you're a great game producer, we'd love to see W4, and uhhh.... we're just trying to make you itchy here.
Thanks for the great games, Wyloch!
Glenn, SDRanger, Roger, Frank
I love your work, and look forward to the day you return to this project and complete it. I especially enjoy the music; sometimes I turn on the demo and listen just to relax. Well done!
Thx for checking it out. This was a proof of concept tech demo. Nothing more than a basic environment and initial architecture of the inventory system. The game is about 2% done. And it will probably stay that way for a very long time (new job, first kid arrived). And so, WG4 is shelved indefinitely.
Hi there! I loved the first three installments and just discovered this page with your fourth. I have to admit, I'm a bit lost. Is this game still in development, or is it considered complete at this point? It looks like the game hasn't received much attention for nearly a year. I was able to start the game, the mouse looks fine so it appears you've fixed the glitch demonstrated by swedefaery. I was able to use the knife to cut off part of a flower, but when I put the flower in my inventory, it appeared like a blue gem in the small sidebar on the left. When I use the magnifying glass to inspect it, it looks like the flower. I also found a switch on the switch box, and a handle that appears to control a spigot, but I can't find anything else to do yet. I sort of figure I'm supposed to jump onto the blue flowers or something, but have yet to figure out how to do that - could have something to do with my general ineptness with true 3-D navigation like this game. The world is beautiful, in any case, and I'll keep toying with it in spare moments until I've found other things to do or hear that there isn't anything else yet. Cheers!
Worldgate 4: Absolution
The grand finale to the acclaimed Worldgate series. This will be my first release in Unity. The first three installments were all done in Flash:
**Currently seeking player feedback on controls and general game performance.
**Demonstrate that the tried-and-true "point and click" puzzle exploration genre (ala Myst, Journeyman Project, Submachine) can be successfully conveyed using the Unity3D engine. This means:
A highly detailed, exquisitely textured gameworld.
A player inventory.
Ability to "zoom-in" and inspect items in the inventory.
Use of the inventory items to solve puzzles in the environment.
Compelling plot.**
Mouse to look
WASD to move
E to toggle between "move" mode and "use" mode
TAB for the in-game menu, including settings/options
Current Status: 10%
GUI functionality is almost complete, and then it will be fully re-skinned with proper texturing. After that, the infrastructure will be mostly in place and it will be full speed ahead doing 3D asset creation to build out the various worlds.
Key Technical Objectives:
The player must feel immersion. The controls must be top notch. Do not use the first person standard asset with Unity. It is functional but very unrefined and is absolutely not suited for a AAA-like experience.
Likewise, full-screen is absolutely required for an immersive experience. However, there will be players who prefer not to play in full screen, and so the GUI must be fully functional in either situation.
Use Forward Rendering instead of Deferred Rendering. This change was a very difficult choice and is not ideal, but it will help to ensure that the PCs playing this game will actually be able to handle it above 30fps.
For workflow convenience, lightmapping will be done in Unity rather than 3ds Max.