Comments (5)
aaaaa fuck you spiders i hope this is the last time i fight your species
great game its just spiders are kinda op
Yes! 3rd chapter is finally out, waited like two years for this :)
The game not loading. Tried in different browsers. Previous chapters works fine.
Aaah glad to play the third chapter finally :D
I've completed 3 missions and I like the challenge so far
I'm surprised that each mission has hidden stash, way more than previous chapters
All 3 chapters need a downloadable version.
World's End Chapter 3
The darkly comedic strategy RPG continues. Will Tevoran and Company find fortune as they plunge deeper into foreign political strife?
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Suggestive Themes
Crass Humor
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